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2023-24 WGEA Employer Statement

At Grace Loves Lace it has been our mission over the last 13 years to ensure that our customers and our team feel empowered, supported and celebrated. We have continued to manufacture in Australia when many other garment manufacturers have made the transition to fully offshore made products. One of the main reasons for continuing commitment to the industry is to ensure that there are still viable employment opportunities for women in this industry in Australia. We have flexible employment options for women so that they can still work in this industry but also juggle the demands of raising a family and being there as a support to their children.

Having over 93% female employees in the Australian workforce we find what drives our gender pay gap analysis is having so few men in the organisation. The 5 men employed in Australia sit in specialist technical roles (no other male or female sit in these type of roles). As we have grouped these with ‘Manager or Professionals’ this has skewed this result. In the upcoming reporting period, we'll ensure that female and male roles are compared on a like-for-like basis so that we do not show this issue.

We are very proud that 91% of our Management and senior leadership team are women and we have created pathways for growth and development within the business. We have many policies and practices in place that support women in our workplace and we will continue to strive for improvement in these strategies as we grow.